
ALiVE 敬拜事工希望透過技巧訓練及靈命培育,幫助敬拜樂手與歌手提高音樂技巧,及幫助敬拜團隊和諧配搭事奉。我們深信更新和栽培敬拜團隊,能深化教會崇拜,讓人於敬拜中更能專注及深入經歷神。

ALiVE Worship Ministry exsits to help musicians and vocalists to advance in skills, and worship servants to serve in harmony through training and spiritual nurturing.  We believe renewing and building up worship teams will enrich worship services at church, where people can focus on God and engage with Him more deeply.

  • 林志輝牧師

    Rev Dr Calvin Lam

    顧問牧師 Advisory Pastor

  • 孔慶光牧師

    Rev Larry Hung

    顧問牧師 Advisory Pastor

  • 鍾伯文牧師

    Rev Stephen Chung

    顧問牧師 Advisory Pastor

  • 鄭建文牧師

    Rev Raymond Cheng

    董事 Director

  • 黎永基

    Wayne Lai

    創辦人, 董事 Co-Founder, Director

  • 胡斯翰

    Stephen Gurie Woo

    董事 Director

  • 黎曾愛華傳道

    Pastor Iva Lai

    創辦人 Co-Founder

  • 李國強

    Warren Li

    董事 Director

黎曾愛華傳道 Pastor Iva Lai

ALiVE 敬拜事工 創辦人

Iva 熱衷於培育基督門徒,活出敬拜生命。

2007年畢業於美國韋伯崇拜研究學院,崇拜研究碩士(The Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies, M.W.S.) 及2011年畢業於加拿大天道神學院, 道學碩士(Tyndale Seminary, M. Div.) 主修靈命塑造 (Spiritual Formation) 。亦獲 CCPC 認證為靈修導師 (Certified Spiritual Director)。二十多年來一直在教會的敬拜事工中服事,作敬拜主領及敬拜隊歌手。曾參與北美不同規模粵語教會音樂巡迴宣教。神學畢業後,與丈夫合作,通過設計及帶領敬拜隊培訓和小組退修會服侍多倫多的教會。過去有七年時間牧養教會,先後於城北華人基督教會擔任粵語青年傳道,及石僑浸信會擔任英文堂傳道。於2023年與丈夫共同創辦ALiVE 敬拜事工 服侍眾教會。

Iva is dedicated to nurturing disciples of Christ and fostering a life of worship. She holds an M.W.S. from The Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies (2007) and an M.Div. from Tyndale Seminary (2011), with a focus on Spiritual Formation. She is also a Certified Spiritual Director through CCPC.

With over 20 years of experience as worship leader, Iva has led music missions for Cantonese-speaking churches in North America. She has designed and led worship team training and retreats in Toronto and served as Pastor at Richmond Hill Christian Community Church and Stone Bridge Baptist Church. In 2023, she co-founded ALiVE Worship Ministry, offering resources and training to local churches and worship leaders.

黎永基 Wayne Lai

ALiVE 敬拜事工 創辦人及董事

Wayne 弟兄是一名專業鋼琴教師,擔任教會司琴超過 25 年。 事奉經驗包括: 教會敬拜樂隊領隊、敬拜音樂製作、詩班指揮、敬拜主領,及敬拜隊歌手。曾多次參與北美不同大小粵語教會音樂巡迴宣教, 亦為多倫多教會進行教會師琴培訓、敬拜團隊培訓。多年來熱衷於培養教會音樂事奉人員,讓他們在音樂中運用上帝賜予的天賦榮耀上帝並祝福他人。

Wayne is dedicated to nurturing musicians to honor God and bless people through their musical gifts. With over 25 years of experience, Wayne has served as a pianist, worship band-leader, worship leader and choir conductor. He has also led training for worship teams and partnered with Iva on music mission trips across North America. Since 2016, Wayne has volunteered as a Music Producer, creating full accompaniment worship music tracks to support small churches.

所以,弟兄們,我以 神的慈悲勸你們,將身體獻上當作活祭,是聖潔的,是 神所喜悅的,你們如此事奉乃是理所當然的。 不要效法這個世界,只要心意更新而變化,叫你們察驗何為 神的善良、純全、可喜悅的旨意。

(羅馬書 12:1-2)

And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

(Romans 12:1-2)


• 成為一個建立敬拜事奉人員, 培育敬拜生命, 和豐富教會敬拜事工的資源

• 我們希望看到每一次敬拜聚會都是以榮耀神為中心,讓人與神關係得深化

• To be a resource to build up worship servants, nurture the life of worshippers, and enrich the ministry of worship at churches

• We desire to see every worship gathering be God-honoring and faith-deepening



• 致力栽培敬拜事奉人員,讓他們的事奉充滿信心與喜樂,實踐神所託付的使命

• 提供敬拜培訓資源,招聚基督徒分享、學習敬拜議題

• 提供用於教會敬拜事工的資源,支援並豐富教會的敬拜生活

• Encourage people who serve in worship ministry to serve with confidence and joy, fulfilling their God-given calling and purposes in the ministry.

• Empower worship servants through providing training, and gathering Christians to share and learn on topics of worship

• Energize and enrich the life of worship through providing tools and resources for use in church worship, and personal devotion